拉菲2注册登录在食品生产中很重要,因为它有助于全球食品工业通过供应链跟踪产品. 这使得食品制造商能够快速有效地召回受污染或贴错标签的产品. 美国的可追溯性要求.S. 而加拿大则是为了让供应链中的公司能够追踪产品的来源地和运输地点. 技术支持的可追溯性使公司能够减少召回窗口并提高工厂的可见性.
拉菲2注册登录既可以用笔手工完成 & paper, spreadsheets, or automatically through a technology enabled process.
技术支持的可追溯性是通过采用健壮的, 先进的可追溯系统进入他们的生产设施. 这些系统通常包括车间设备(如.(电子秤和标签系统),收集和记录生产数据到一个集中的数据库. 这些系统帮助食品制造商在收集拉菲2注册登录数据时消除人为错误. 有效的技术可追溯系统还可以在食源性疾病爆发或召回发生时显著缩短响应时间. 这是通过提供对相关和可靠信息的快速访问来实现的,这些信息有助于确定相关产品的来源和位置
Traceability can also be achieved through a manual pen and paper based system. Manual pen and paper systems meet government requirements, but can be prone to human error. Manual systems can also lengthen the amount of time it takes to recall affected products. 在手动追溯系统中,所有记录的数据, 从收货到发货, 是手写的, 登录到一个主列表, 然后以电子表格的形式保存,以防召回.
In food manufacturing a GS1 barcode is the global standard for labeling food products. The information in a GS1 barcode will depend on the type of barcode that is being used. 其中包括:GS1-128和UPC-A.
A GS1-128 barcode is typically used for wholesale case and pallet labeling. These barcodes typically contain more information than a UPC-A barcode. GS1-128条形码包括GTIN,产品重量,生产日期和产品序列号.
A UPC-A barcode is a simpler barcode, that is typically used on retail labels. These barcodes typically only contain a company prefix, and an item reference number.
有关食品条形码的更多信息,请查看我们的博客 在这里
T在这里 are many different types of food manufacturing software available. Choosing the right software depends on what a food processor is trying to accomplish. T在这里 a three main types of software applications that many food processors commonly use. 这些包括:制造执行系统(MES), 仓库管理系统(WMS)和车间称重 & 标签拉菲2注册登录解决方案.
制造执行系统(MES)在食品生产设施中用于管理整个生产过程. These systems are typically front office systems that allows users to create product files, 管理生产计划, 跟踪生产数据.
仓库管理系统(WMS)在食品生产设施中用于管理库存. 这包括接收操作, 原料库存, 成品良好库存, 销售订单, 以及航运业务.
工厂车间称重和标签拉菲2注册登录用于食品生产设施,以捕获和跟踪悬挂尸体的各种物品的重量, 到成品箱. These systems typically use a serialized barcoding method to label products for traceability.
T在这里 are several steps for a processor to obtain a UPC code for their food products.
第一个, 最重要的是, 为您的产品获得UPC条形码的步骤是向GS1申请会员资格并许可UPC (GS1)公司前缀. Bar Code Graphics is the authority for barcoding and UPC implementation. GS1 is the global standards organization for product identification.
第二步, 一旦您获得GS1公司前缀许可, 您可以为每个项目分配唯一的产品编号.
Step three, once you have built your UPC identifier from your 公司 Prefix & 产品编号,你必须决定如何在你的产品上获得UPC条形码.
T在这里 are many different types of software that are used all across the food industry. Different software applications specialize in different plant functions. Most software programs are divided into two categories: front office applications, 以及工厂车间的应用.
Front office applications can include ERP and 会计 systems, MES和WMS系统, 客户关系管理和人力资源系统.
Plant floor applications can include weighing and labeling software, HACCP和QA拉菲2注册登录, 数据收集应用, and mobile applications that run on mobile computers and tablets.
In food manufacturing, t在这里 are two common ways a WMS is used. A WMS system can be used as a standalone system or can be integrated into a larger ERP system. It should be noted that the functions and features of each are largely the same; it’s the package and style of delivery that differs. 独立系统仅用于其WMS功能,如库存管理和仓库操作. ERP systems are a centralized solution that help with resource 规划, 会计, 客户关系管理, 人力资源.
T在这里 are many WMS applications available to food manufacturers today. 决定哪种WMS适合您的流程,将归结为定义您公司的目标.
例如, if you are looking for a centralized system that allows you to manage functions such as CRM, 产品创造, 和成本核算, 那么ERP系统就是正确的解决方案.
如果公司的目标是节省时间和成本, 而且他们的库存管理系统不需要扩展到其他业务领域, 那么一个独立的WMS系统将是有益的. Full ERP systems can be costly and timely to fully implement and use. 使用WMS系统可能会使较小的处理器受益更多, which has warehouse and 库存 management functions on a smaller scale.
Production scheduling is done to make the manufacturing process flow with maximum efficiency. 通过使用生产调度系统, a food manufacturer’s front office can control what is produced on the plant-floor. 该决策可以基于相关数据,例如库存水平和当前销售订单. 这在食品生产过程中是有益的, 因为它提供了生产控制,防止生产过剩或生产不足的产品.
ERP代表企业资源计划. These systems provide management in areas such as forecasting, 规划, 库存, 物流与生产. 常见的ERP模块包括会计, 制造执行系统(MES), 仓库管理系统, 客户关系管理(CRM).
一个强大的ERP系统意味着将你所有的数据整合到一个单一的系统中,提供一个公司整个运作的鸟瞰图. ERP系统被设计成能够控制所有业务功能的单一集中式枢纽.
在食品加工业中建立加工ERP有助于保持产品的配方, 食品安全, 消费者问题, 以及分析证明, 食品包装法规, 库存成本.
典型的MES系统将允许食品制造商对其生产过程进行控制. 这些控制可以在前台办公室进行设置和配置,并下放到工厂车间. Many of these controls guide operators through a recipe, or QA process. This allows the front office to control the manufacturing process at a more granular level.
MES为供应链提供价值, by controlling and giving visibility into the manufacturing process of a production facility. The results of an MES are traceability of raw ingredients to finished goods. An MES can also help ensure quality throughout the manufacturing process. 这反过来又有利于分销商, 供应商对成品的制造过程保持高度的信心.
MES评估是对组织评估在其制造过程中实施MES系统的需求的能力的全面评估. The manufacturer should assess the MES landscape at all in-scope plants.
Such a global assessment can be accomplished by collecting information on the business, 制造业务和技术通过调查, 调查问卷, 会议, 以及对当前文件的回顾
ERP systems are all encompassing software solutions that include an MES. Since ERP systems have such a large footprint, they can be difficult to implement and costly. This drives some food manufacturers to look for standalone MES systems. 由于ERP系统还涵盖了各种各样的其他模块, 这可能会降低ERP MES解决方案的质量. Some food manufacturers prefer a specialized robust standalone MES system.
食品加工商需要MES来提高生产过程的生产率和效率,同时减少生产的总时间和成本. MES系统对于过程控制也很重要, 因为它们可以帮助操作员导航QA或配方流程. MES还可以与处理器的ERP系统集成,以提供对生产和运营管理的全面洞察和可见性.
启动MES首先要对组织的制造操作和当前流程进行内部评估. 确定需要改进的关键领域, 然后找到解决这些关键领域的MES解决方案
食品制造商会在食品生产过程中使用各种类型的秤. 几种常见的秤包括地板秤、台式秤、止回秤和轨道秤.
许多处理散装产品的食品加工厂将使用称为组合箱的大型容器. 这些箱子通常用地板秤称重. Food processors might also weigh large reusable totes, or racks on a floor scale.
For individual pieces and finished goods cases, a bench scale can be used to weigh items. These items are typically smaller and can be lifted onto the scale by an operator.
称重秤和输送秤在食品生产过程中用于对沿着输送机行进的箱子或部件进行称重或校验. 这些应用程序大多是自动化的,不需要操作员监督过程.
In most abattoir facilities, hanging carcasses are weighed on a rail scale. These rail scales typically have a larger weight capacity than most bench scales. 轨道尺度可以是静态和动态类型的尺度. These scales are usually used to track yields across the harvest floor.
Printing barcodes in food manufacturing is a common requirement. Barcoded products help with food traceability and warehouse management. Barcodes can be printed with a 203-dpi industrial label printer. 这些标签打印机可以打印条形码直接热敏标签或热转印标签与色带.
有许多不同类型的热敏和直接热敏打印机可用于打印食品制造中的标签. 霍尼韦尔、佐藤和斑马是拉菲2在线登录注册工业标签打印机的领先供应商.
Labels need to be printed with a standard industrial label printer. These printers are different than the common office laserjet printer. 它们专为直接热敏或热转印标签而设计. 霍尼韦尔、佐藤和斑马是拉菲2在线登录注册工业标签打印机的领先供应商.